So we had to stay home a lot. Cool! I got to weave more and drive less. While some folks wove about scary pandemic thoughts, I found the need to focus on bright, funny, cheery themes. Here are most of the small tapestries I made in 2020.
The first two were woven before the pandemic started. Wilsonville Bridge Over the Willamette River, 1960 received the Award for Excellence from the American Tapestry Alliance in an online exhibit juried by Anne Mitchell Reid.
The second, Ripple Rug in Green, is one of a continuing series of “ripple rugs” woven of various colors of thicker worsted yarn I no longer use in tapestries, but wanted to make good use of.
Wilsonville Bridge Over the Willamette River, 1960 Ripple Rug in Green
I mount my small tapestries on fabric-covered boards. The leftover bits of board cried out for their own tapestries. These are some of those small tapestries made to fit on small boards.
Forsythia Blossoms Suspension Bridge Sun Bridge Royalty on Wings Space Egg Unbalanced
The American Tapestry Alliance Small Tapestry International:7 announced a call for entry. The theme is “Elements.” My tapestry, “The Element of Surprise” was accepted into this juried show.
The Element of Surprise Elements of Nature
I also started a series of HOMONYMS. In this case, the homonyms are words that are spelled the same, pronounced the same, but have different meanings. This ongoing series continues to make me laugh.
Spring Fall Cranes Skate
I also wove about a dozen small wedge weaves, but that is a gallery for another day.